(260) 818-8180


This is How Resultiply Will

Change Your Business

What's Included:

  • Done-For-You Account Setup

  • Proven Real Estate Ad Vault

  • Automated Lead Qualification Engine

  • Lead Converting Followup Bot

  • Predictive A.I. Lead Dialer

  • Automated Calendar Bookings

  • Reactivation A.I. Engine

  • Dedicated Human Assistant(s)

  • Client Support & Conversion Team

  • Done-For-You Ad(s) Management

  • BONUS Organic Lead Library Masterclass

  • BONUS Lead Conversion Mastery

Done-For-You Account Setup

If using technology feels a bit tricky for you, don't worry at all! Our awesome team will set up everything you need for your trial. You can just relax and enjoy without doing anything – it's super easy!

Proven Real Estate Ad Vault

Not only will we setup our BEST performing ad for you during your trial, You'll also get special access to our EVERY ad that we've ever run for our clients. All the best-performing, client-generating, lead-spitting ads that we've spent over $50 Million dollars testing, wrapped up and put directly in your inbox!

Automated Lead Qualification Engine

Leads are great, but a QUALIFIED lead is 10x better! We'll setup our qualification logic so leads can self-identify as being "ready to move now" so you know which of your leads should get all your attention!

Lead Converting Followup Bot

No more tire-kickers, time-wasters, and bad numbers! We will automatically reach-out to each lead FOR you, through both email and text, getting them to raise their hand and open a conversation with you! No more spending HOURS trying to get your social media leads to reply....we just send you the replies!

Predictive A.I. Lead Dialer

Everybody knows the best time to call a lead is IMMEDIATELY after they reply to your bot, right? Our Predictive AI Lead Dialer will instantly call all the leads who reply positively to our followup for you, and call you directly as soon as that lead responds so you never have to worry about missing any "hot" leads again!

Automated Calendar Bookings

Instantly allow your leads to schedule themselves on YOUR calendar based on when YOUR available! no more back and forth, trying to find a time! Plus, after they do schedule, we will send them automated reminders that you'll be calling!

Reactivation A.I. Engine

Leads go quite, it happens....but with our Reactivation A.I. engine, we will RESTART conversations with the leads in your pipeline who replied to our followup, but just got distracted for one reason or another. No lead left behind!

Dedicated Human Assistant(s)

Not only do we provide you with all the tools you'll need to automate your lead generation and followup, but we ALSO provide you with a dedicated human assistant to jump in and handle any AI alerts or replies that you're not able to! Think how great it will be to have your own automated assistant!

Client Support & Conversion Team

Ever wonder why some agents are more successful than others? Its because of WHAT they say on the phone...and our team will help review calls and coach you closer to your next closing. Available via text, email, zoom, and even carrier pigeons on the weekends!

Done-For-You Ad(s) Management

Never log into the ads manager again! You should spend time worrying about making connections and talking with leads who want to do business with you. Let our team handle being in the matrix and pushing all the right buttons to get you a maximum ROI!

Organic Lead Library Masterclass

We'll give you our BEST organic social media tips and tricks to have FREE leads flooding your inbox using a few simple hacks. This video training alone helped a loan officer get 5 closed deals for FREE in just 48 hours!

Lead Conversion Mastery

We want you to convert as many leads as possible...and to do that you need to know what to say on the phone when talking with an internet lead! So we show you exactly what to say with recorded scripts, role-playing calls, and even live calls with real leads that converted into deals so you know EXACTLY what to say when you talk with your leads!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay just a referral fee?

Sorry, but this won't work for us. It may seem like a good idea for you, but it doesn't fit well with what we do.Let me explain a bit.

First, we wouldn't start making money until the 3rd or 4th deal is closed. That's only if the client puts in effort for a product they aren't paying for. It's like we're investing in your business. While we promise to do our part, we can't control what happens once we send a lead to you

It's also tough for us to know what's going on with the leads. We learned this from trying a referral program before. Agents didn't update us much, and sometimes they kept deals secret. Big companies can check this well because they have full-time staff to look at tax records. We don't offer this anymore, and we think our current pricing is better for everyone.

What does this cost?

First, if you're thinking this to yourself, know that it's not spending money. Doing marketing the right way is like making an investment, and it won't actually cost you anything. We offer different prices and packages to fit various budgets and situations. Plus, we have options for you to try it out with a trial.

It depends on how much you want to do. For instance, if you're a solo agent aiming for 3 deals each month, the pricing and our conversation will be different than if you're aiming for 5-8 deals. It's the same if you're a team of 2 going from 30 deals/year to 50, compared to a team of 10 going from 200 deals a year to 300.

Our team will help you figure out what makes the most sense based on the volume you want. We'll give you estimates for the number of good leads our team will send you for every dollar you invest. Remember, we can start small so you can see the quality and then increase your spending over time.

Do you have long-term contracts I'm forced to sign?

No, we don't have any long-term agreements or contracts, only our service agreements which is a simple agreement that we will do the work we promised to do for you

How do you qualify my leads?

Our first priority is to generate as much volume as we can with the leads for your budget, and through that quantity we find you the quality ones. All leads are presented our long-form "DIRECT" survey, that will gather 30+ questions directly from the leads and be passed along to you. Depending on which steps a lead takes during that survey, you will be notified via our mobile app on what you should do next

How long until I close my first deal?

We can set up the opportunities, but it's your job to make them close them. We know it might not be what you want to hear, but how well you turn leads into deals depends on you. You could give the same set of leads and script to two agents and see completely different results.

But here's the good news: Our platform is excellent at connecting you with leads who are ready to act quickly (within 3 months). Many of our clients who follow the process properly are getting deals under contract, or at the very least, going on showings or listing appointments in their first 30 days.

What makes Resultiply different?

We get it, our Founder is a Real Estate Agent, and gets slammed with "companies" promising the world and never producing results

First, our biggest differentiator for us is our support and coaching. You can contact our team directly through text, and all support team members are notified and will jump in to help. Our average response time is less than 5-minutes. We don't take 72 hours through a clunky support portal to help with a simple question. Text message, phone call, zoom, smoke signal, carrier pigeon....however you want to contact us, we will reply!

Second, our entire tech stack has been rebuilt and redefined since 2017 to help provide the quickest path to success for all of our agents. This isn't some "kid in a mom's basement" running a company...we've been there and done that for agents for years

Overall though, we've found the best way to answer this question is over a demo with us on Zoom. This way we can break down the program so you can effectively compare it to what you're doing now, done in the past, or have seen from others. We'll also pull up some Client accounts to show you the type of leads we're sending them.

What is a "Forced Call"?

When one of your leads replies to our automated followup, our AI engine will take that reply and determine if its positive or negative. If its positive, you'll receive a forced call on your mobile device, and when you answer, you'll hear "John Smith just replied positively to followup, press 1 to connect and use the provided scripts". After you press 1, our platform calls the lead automatically for you

What type of agents do you work with?

A majority of our clients are solo agents just looking to take control of their business and not rely solely on their brokers. We do also have a wide range of teams, from just 3 people all the way up to a 200+ person team that uses our platform solo for lead generation after firing zillow

Will this work in my market?

Yes, we have run multiple millions of dollars in marketing spend across all 50 states...this will work.

Having said that, each market is different and behaves differently, so we will test and tweak our platform during the first 30-60 days to get things dialed in for each agent

How long has Resultiply been in business?

We've been working with Smart Real Estate Agents since 2017

Are you a Real Estate Agent?

Yes, our founder is a licensed agent in Michigan and part of a very large eXp team

© Copyright 2024. Resultiply. All rights reserved.

Real Results Multiplied For Smart Agents